1900 The Red Deer Tennis Club was first organized
1907 Mr. Harry Wallace was elected President
1919 The Tennis Club was the founding member of the Athletic Association
1930 The Club built new courts east of downtown Co-op Plaza on 47th Avenue
1939 RDTC competed at Central Alberta Tennis League against Sylvan Lake, Lacombe, Innisfail & Penhold
1950 Two Shale Courts were built in Galbraith Park on 55th Street and fell into disrepair
1961 The only two courts used during this time were at the famous Water Tower hill site.
1967 Eight hard courts were built at the Recreation Centre Complex
1975 RDTC hosted the Tennis Competition for Alberta Summer Games
1977 Four hard courts were built south of the original eight courts
1990 The official opening of the rebuilt eight courts at the Recreation Complex
1992 RDTC hosted National Junior Tennis Tournaments
1998 RDTC Clubhouse and viewing deck was completed
1999 RDTC hosted National Junior Tennis Tournaments the second time
2000 Marked 100 years for Red Deer Tennis Club
2009 Indoor Tennis was made possible with the Tennis Bubble
2017 Eight outdoor courts was resurfaced by Tomko of Calgary
2023 Bubble indoor lighting was replaced with energy efficient LED lighting